Hawaii Bicycle Laws

The State of Hawaii, just like any other state in the US, has a set of laws concerning cyclists. These laws need to be followed by motorists and bicyclists alike to ensure the safety of the rider and pedestrian.

They believe that everyone has the right to be safe on the roads of Hawaii. That is why, we have compiled the Hawaii bicycle laws you have to follow if you want to ride your bicycle in Hawaii.

The information provided in this article is not legal advice. None of our writers are lawyers and they also do not provide legal advice. The information published in this blog is provided for entertainment and educational purposes only. We do our best to explain the rules and regulations in easy to understand language. Although we do extensive research to make sure our information is accurate and useful, our synopsis may not reflect current legal developments or address your situation. We disclaim all liability for actions you take or fail to take based on any content on this article.

Hawaii Bicycle Laws

In Hawaii, the rider of a bicycle is considered the driver of a vehicle, and as such, has the same rights and responsibilities as motorists. Speaking of rights, according to Hawaii’s Law of the Splintered Paddle, everyone has the right to travel safely on the roads of Hawaii.

Do Not Ride Against Traffic

It is illegal to ride against the flow of traffic. As such cyclists are expected to ride with the flow of traffic, preferably flowers that the normal speed. When bicycle lanes are available, riders should always use the lane dedicated to them, especially when the speed is slower than other vehicles.

Related reading: Idaho Bicycle Laws

Keep On The Right Hand Side

They are required to ride as close to the right side of the road as possible in case there are no bicycle lanes available. Cyclists may ride in the middle of the road under some exceptions such as when making a left turn at an intersection, private driveway, or road, to pass another vehicle, when the road is too narrow to ride side by side with a vehicle, and on multi-lane one-way streets where it is legal to ride on the extreme left lane or middle lanes.

No Riding On Freeways

Riding on freeways is prohibited at all times. Where it is legal to ride on the sidewalk, cyclists can do so but must yield to the pedestrians. However, it is illegal to ride your bike on sidewalks in business districts.


The rider will need to ride at 10 mph or less and use audile signals when passing a pedestrian. Speaking of signals, cyclists are required to use hand signals about 100 feet before making a turn, stopping, or changing directions to reduce the chances of an accident.

Hawaii bicycle laws require the rider to have a functioning brake at all times and a bicycle that fits the rider properly. This means that the bike frame can’t be oversized, and the cyclists are able to stand over the frame with both feet planted flat on the ground.

After dark or under difficult lighting, bicyclists must have a front lamp that emits white light that is visible from 500 feet away. The bike should also have a red rear reflector and reflective material visible from at least 600 feet away.

Ride Sober

Operating a vehicle with wheels after taking drugs or drinking, be it a bike or something motorized is illegal. Cyclists over the age of 13 and under 21 could lose their driver’s license or have the approval delayed. A fine of up to $250 might also be imposed.

Hawaii Bicycle Registration

In the City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii bike laws state that all bicycles that have two wheels with a diameter of 20 inches or larger are required to be registered. Bicycles with wheels under that specific diameter are not required to register but can do so to facilitate the return in case the bike gets stolen.

There is a permanent registration fee of $15 to be paid to the City Budget and Fiscal Director. If the ownership of the bicycle is to be transferred, a fee of $5 has to be paid.

Hawaii Bicycle License

According to Hawaii bike laws, after a bicycle has been registered and the fee has been paid, they will provide the owner with a sticker. The sticker is a decal of sorts that needs to be attached to the bicycle and will act as the license. It is placed on the seat tube of the frame in a forwarding direction.

Hawaii Bike Helmet Laws

In Hawaii, anyone under the age of 16 is required to wear a helmet while riding their bikes. It is encouraged by the state for adults to wear a helmet as well for safety reasons.

Small children and new riders are encouraged to wear additional safety gear such as knee and elbow pads, and retro-reflective clothing.

Hawaii bike laws state that helmet should be of the correct size and have the right fitting. It should have a seal of approval from the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Violation of this law may result in a fine of up to $40.

Hawaii Electric Bike Laws

The state of Hawaii recognizes e-bikes as low-speed electric bikes that can reach a speed less than 20 mph. People who want to ride e-bikes have to register at any city hall or if you’re in Honolulu, you can register at the state business registration unit and pay $30 as a fee.

E-bikes are allowed on all streets and any person who is 15 years or older can register and ride an e-bike.

Anyone under the age of 18 is required to wear a helmet while using an e-bike, with a minimum age of 15 for e-bike use.

Related reading: Georgia Bicycle Laws

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you ride a bike on the sidewalk in Hawaii?

Riding a bike on the sidewalk in a business district is prohibited as per Hawaii bike laws. For areas where riders can cycle on the sidewalk, they will need to be wary of pedestrians. They should not go over the speed of 10 mph and must use audible signals while passing a pedestrian.

Do you need a bicycle license in Hawaii?

A bike with wheels of a diameter of 20 inches or above is required to be registered in Hawaii. After the registration, the owner will get an operator’s license. Bikes with wheels below 20 inches does not need to be registered or have a license.

Final Words

These are all the rules you will need to follow while riding your bike in Hawaii. Obey all the Hawaii bicycle laws to stay safe. Always make sure to wear a helmet and yield to vehicles and pedestrians for safe bicycling.

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