Colorado Bicycle Laws

Cyclists have the right to use all the roads in the state of Colorado. However, there are many rules that a bicyclist must abide by if he wants to ride on the streets, roads, and trails of Colorado. It’s sad that these rules are hard to come by, and many riders end up violating them just because they aren’t aware of them.

To make your life easier and to ensure that you don’t violate any Colorado bicycle law, we’re going to compile all of them in this article and we’ll also explain them in detail. Once you go through this, hopefully, you’ll be able to ride safely and avoid violating any rules.

The information provided in this article is not legal advice. None of our writers are lawyers and they also do not provide legal advice. The information published in this blog is provided for entertainment and educational purposes only. We do our best to explain the rules and regulations in easy-to-understand language. Although we do extensive research to make sure our information is accurate and useful, our synopsis may not reflect current legal developments or address your situation. We disclaim all liability for actions you take or fail to take based on any content on this article.

Colorado Bicycle Laws

Lane Sharing

In Colorado, two riders can ride abreast. However, this is limited to two riders only. Then again, two riders can’t ride abreast if it’s affecting the other vehicles on the road. According to the Colorado bike laws, bicycle riders will enjoy the same rights and will have to oblige the laws that every other vehicle driver enjoys and follows.


This also means that you’ll need to indicate if you’re taking a left, right, or U-turn. You’ll have to use hand signs whenever you’re taking a turn. You’re required to show the signal at least 100 meters before you take it. This also includes stopping.

Related reading: Connecticut Bicycle Laws

Cellphone Use

Surprisingly, there’s no law that states that you can’t use your cell phone when you’re riding. You can’t type or browse while riding. However, you can still talk to someone over the phone when you’re riding. As you aren’t required to wear a helmet, talking to someone over the phone is very easy while riding in Colorado.

Riding After Sunset

If you ride after sunset, you must equip lights on your bike. The Colorado bicycle laws require the riders to equip a white light on the head of the bike, and this light must be visible from at least 500 feet. Then again, you need to install a red tail reflector that can be seen from at least 100 feet to a maximum of 600 feet. The reflector must be visible under a low-beam headlight as well.

Colorado Bicycle License Laws

Colorado bike laws don’t require the user to license the bicycle. However, we highly recommend licensing your bicycle if you can spare some time. Licensing your bicycle will let you file a report in case your bike gets stolen or is missing.

Colorado Electric Bike Laws

You’ll have the same rights and need to abide by the same laws as riding a standard bicycle when you’re riding an electric one. However, more than one person can’t ride on an electric bike at a time. Plus, it’s also prohibited to attach a separate carrier or another vehicle to the electric bike.

Electric bikes are also required to follow lane laws. If the electric bike is being operated at a speed less than the traffic, then it must follow the right rule. However, if it’s moving at a speed close to the traffic, then it can ride on other lanes too. The exceptions apply too.

If you’re thinking about riding different trails in Colorado with your electric bike, you’re in luck! You can ride your bike on any trail in Colorado. You can ride them on roads where riding regular bicycles are allowed as well. You can take the electric bikes to the sidewalk too, but you can’t use the electric assist when you’re riding on the sidewalk.

Colorado Bike Helmet Laws

The Colorado bicycle laws don’t require the bikers to wear a helmet when they’re riding. However, the Department of Transportation of Colorado does encourage everyone to wear a helmet when they’re riding.

Wearing a helmet is definitely the smarter choice. National Safety Council asserts that wearing a helmet can reduce the chances of a major injury by 50%. This is why we too highly recommend wearing a helmet when you’re riding.

Related reading: California Bicycle Laws

Colorado Bike Lane Laws

You’ll need to follow the same Right-Of-Way rule when you’re riding a bicycle in Colorado. According to Colorado bike laws, a rider must stick to the right of the road on any road. The cyclist can shift to a left lane in certain conditions.

First of all, if you need to overtake another rider who’s moving comparatively slower than you, then you can shift to the left and you can overtake the rider. While overtaking the other rider, you need to maintain a safety distance of at least three feet. Once you’re far ahead of the other rider, only then you can get back to the right lane.

Secondly, if there’s an obstacle, for example, a parked vehicle or pedestrian, on the right side of the way, then you should shift to the left and cross that. Every biker is encouraged to avoid potentially dangerous roads.

Thirdly, if you need to take a turn to the left, you can switch to the left lane just before the turn.

Otherwise, you should stick as far right as right allows.


Do bicycles have to stop at stop signs in Colorado?

In Colorado, you need to slow down and stop whenever you come across a stop sign. If you don’t, you’ll end up violating Colorado bicycle laws.


These are the major Colorado bicycle laws that you need to maintain when you’re riding a bike in Colorado. We highly recommend knowing and memorizing these laws properly, or you may end up violating them. The consequences of violating these laws do depend on the gravity of the violation. For example, if you are seen riding under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you’ll be stopped and arrested.

Then again, even though you might not have a serial number, over speeding can lead to tickets and charges. This is why we highly recommend maintaining the Colorado bike laws. Hopefully, this article will help you in doing so!

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