Delaware Bicycle Laws | Cycling Laws In The State Of Delaware In 2023

Cycling through Delaware, I’m was struck by the diverse beauty of its landscapes, from serene beaches to bustling city streets. However, as a cyclist, I was also faced the challenge of navigating the complexities of bicycle laws in this state. At times, these laws can seem overwhelming, especially when you’re unsure about the specifics like helmet regulations, lane positioning, or the rules about headphones and alcohol consumption. This uncertainty can lead to discomfort or even unsafe cycling practices, which no one wants to experience.

That’s why I dived into the intricacies of Delaware’s bicycle laws. In this article, I unravel these regulations clearly and comprehensively. From general safety rules to specifics for young riders, I’ve covered it all. My goal is to arm you with the knowledge to cycle confidently and safely in Delaware, appreciating not just the beauty of your surroundings but also the peace of mind that comes with being a law-abiding, informed cyclist.

Enter Delaware

People often do not consider a bicycle to be a vehicle, but they are wrong to do so because it is indeed a vehicle and thus must obey all traffic rules. Delaware is also the only state in the country that does not always put a bicycle under vehicles but is sometimes put in a separate chapter under the law “Rules of the Road.” But the DMV in Delaware thinks they are under the same obligation of laws as cars, which can cause lots of confusion and havoc.

Therefore, it is best to remember both rules and regulations to avoid trouble when cycling. Delaware is much stricter than other states when it comes to the topic of sharing the roads with other vehicles and cars. The laws make the bicyclist’s life easier because, unlike in the other states in Delaware, when a car is crossing a bike, the driver of the car needs to reduce the speed of the car and have a minimum of three feet of clearance from the bicyclist when crossing him or her.

In this article, we will talk about the Delaware bicycle laws and how to live as a cyclist here.

The information provided in this article is not legal advice. None of our writers are lawyers, and they also do not provide legal advice. The information published in this blog is provided for entertainment and educational purposes only. We do our best to explain the rules and regulations in easy-to-understand language. Although we do extensive research to ensure our information is accurate and useful, our synopsis may not reflect current legal developments or address your situation. We disclaim all liability for actions you take or fail to take based on any content in this article.

General Delaware Safety Rules

  • Delaware helmet law is well defined – all bicycle riders and passengers under 18 must have a helmet on.
  • The cyclist must use a red rear-reflector that gives visibility to up to 600 feet and make use of a headlight that is white that provides visibility to up to 500 feet, and one of the two reflective materials that give visibility on both sides to 600 feet or a lamp that is lit that gives visibility from both the sides for 500 feet.
  • The cyclist must not attach the bicycle to another vehicle, cannot take passengers unless equipped for it, and must keep one hand on the handlebars.
  • Cyclists are not allowed to put headsets or earplugs on both their ears.
  • The cyclist must be as far to the right of the roadway when traveling on the road.
  • The cyclist cannot ride on a highway in Delaware while using narcotics or drinking. If this rule is broken, it will not go on the individual’s driver’s record. You will be fined somewhere between $150 and $1150. If you repeat your offenses, you could be sent to prison for between 10 and 30 days or get a fine that could be $400 or as high as $1500.

Adult cyclists must at all times follow all these rules mentioned above.

Here is a brochure from DelDOT with more information.

Parent of a Young Bicyclist

Under this law, the parent or guardian of the cyclist can be held responsible if the person does not adhere to the code and regulations. As a person and guardian to the youth, it is your responsibility to teach them the safety of riding a bicycle and ensure that they follow the rules.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to wear a helmet when riding the bicycle in Delaware?

Yes, in Delaware, individuals under 18 years of age must wear an approved, properly fitted, and fastened bicycle helmet while operating or riding as a passenger on a bicycle. This applies to riding in a restraining seat attached to the bicycle or in a trailer towed by the bicycle.

Do I have to stop at stop signs and red lights as a cyclist in Delaware?

Yes, cyclists in Delaware have the same rights and duties as drivers of any other vehicle, except for special regulations in the subchapter and provisions that by their nature have no application to bicycles. This implies that cyclists must stop at stop signs and red lights.

Can I ride my bicycle on the sidewalk in Delaware?

Yes, riding a bicycle on the sidewalk in Delaware is legal unless prohibited by official traffic control devices. Cyclists must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and give an audible signal before overtaking and passing them.


As you pedal through the scenic landscapes of Delaware, you can’t help but reflect on the significance of the bicycle laws we’ve navigated in this article. These regulations aren’t just a set of rules; they are crucial guidelines ensuring our safety and enjoyment while cycling.

In summary, these Delaware bicycle laws serve as a beacon, guiding you towards safer and more responsible cycling. Your rides will become not only more enjoyable but also more secure, thanks to a deeper appreciation and adherence to these laws. So, as you mount your bike and embark on your next ride in Delaware, remember these regulations. They’re not just rules; they’re your companions on the road to safe and enjoyable cycling adventures.

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